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Traci Patterson

Traci Patterson

Advanced Pathways Hypnosis, USA


Traci A Patterson, Owner and Founder of Advanced Pathways Hypnosis, Irvine, CA, is an Instructor and Clinical Hypnotherapist, who specialized in chronic pain and PTSD. Her interests include: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, cancer patients and PTSD. She holds her hypnosis/ hypnotherapy credentials through National Guild of Hypnotists and is internationally credentialed. She also holds a Doctorate degree from University California Irvine. She comes to the field from a perspective that few others have, as she was formerly diagnosed herself with CRPS, and spent the better part of the next seven years traveling the world, both literally and figuratively, in search of solutions for a disease which traditional medicine says has no cure.


Abstract : The effectiveness of using Hynposis Combined Therapy (HCT) for the treatment of chronic pain (CRPS, fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, etc.)