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Traci Patterson

Traci Patterson

Advanced Pathways Hypnosis, USA

Title: The effectiveness of using Hynposis Combined Therapy (HCT) for the treatment of chronic pain (CRPS, fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, etc.)


Biography: Traci Patterson


Introduction: Chronic pain is currently affecting more than 100 million people in the US alone, and the figures continue to grow exponentially. Chronic pain conditions can include CRPS, Fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, and chronic migraines. Researchers have shown that chronic pain affects the way your brain processes pain signals through the limbic system. Objective: The objective is to discuss the effectiveness of Hypnosis Combined Therapy (HCT), by having chronic pain patients complete a week long intensive.

Aim: The aim is to establish the efficacy of HCT in the treatment of chronic pain. Case Studies: A) 51 year old female diagnosed with Fibromyalgia for 30 years. When she arrived her average pain level was 9/10 (10 being worst pain imaginable), sleep quality 9/10 (10 being worst) and quality of life 8/10 (10 being worst). She completed a week long intensive with HCT. At the conclusion of the week her pain levels were 0/10, sleep quality was 0/10 (10 being worst) and quality of life 1/10 (10 being worst). B) 27 year old female diagnosed with CRPS type 1. When she arrived her average pain level was 9/10 (10 being worst), sleep quality 7/10 (10 being worst) and quality of life 7/10 (10 being worst). At the conclusion of the week her pain levels were 0/10 (10 being worst), sleep quality 0/10 (10 being worst) and quality of life 1/10 (10 being worst).

Conclusion: HCT has proven to significantly decrease pain levels and improve the lives of chronic pain patients without the need for invasive procedures or medications.