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Michelle Secic

Michelle Secic

Secic Statistical Consulting, Inc., USA


Michelle Secic has over 25 years of biostatistical experience. She has worked as a Biostatistician at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation (CCF) for 11 years and was Manager of the Research Section of the Transplant Center at CCF. She then became President of Secic Statistical Consulting, Inc. where she collaborates with researchers from hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies and CROs around the world. She coauthored the book, ‘How to Report Statistics in Medicine: Annotated Guidelines for Authors, Editors and Reviewers’ which was published by the American college of physicians (1st edition 1997, translation to Chinese 2002, 2nd edition 2006, translation into Japanese 2010, translation into Russian 2013). This book is referenced by the FDA in their guidance for industry document, statistical guidance on reporting results from studies evaluating diagnostic tests.


Abstract : How to report statistics in medicine