Arun Aggarwal
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Australia
Title: Neuropathic pain medication update-2015
Biography: Arun Aggarwal
Neuropathic pain is under-recognized and under-treated. 25-50% patients referred to Pain clinics have neuropathic component to their pain. It has a complex pathophysiology with the precise mechanisms being unknown as it is likely that multiple mechanisms are involved. In a study in 2007 on the drugs generally prescribed by physicians for the management of neuropathic pain, the majority prescribed demonstrated no efficacy in neuropathic pain. There are a number of medications that have a role in the management of neuropathic, which provide only modest reduction of pain. Generally it is accepted that the management of neuropathic pain involves use of anti-convulsants and / or anti-depressant medication. Even with the current generation of drugs, effective analgesia is achieved in <50% of cases. Despite advances in research and clinical trials, numbers needed to treat for most drugs is between 3-5. This presentation will explore some new options that have recently become available for the treatment of this different to manage condition.